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「生出 (Yield)」 2019-23(except over two years)   Oil Painting h130.3w162.0

I posted my first video on Youtube about my painting "Yield".




小尾 修 様 website

第11回 前田寛治大賞展 日本橋高島屋画廊 8月17日-21日

第11回 前田寛治大賞展 倉吉博物館 9月9日-10月15日

I started working on this painting about five years ago and completed it after more than two years of neglect. In the early fall of last year, when I voluntarily set a goal to complete the painting by the end of last year, I received a proposal and recommendation from Mr. Obi, a senior painter, to exhibit a painting in the Maeda Kanji grand prize exhibition. I had met Mr. Obi by chance at Mr. Suchi's gallery several years ago and just had greeted him. I haven't seen him since then, but he was kind enough to tell me how to obtain certain art materials when I wanted to know about them. I’m negative about socializing and honestly consider myself forgotten by most people, including him, so I’m most grateful to him for remembering me and making this request.


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